ESSENTIAL TIPS FOR PREPARING YOUR INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR WINTER | Professionals Platinum - Your real estate professionals in Kalgoorlie-Boulder


Kalgoorlie investment information | Latest News | Uncategorised 19th June, 2023 No Comments

As winter approaches, it’s crucial to prepare your investment property for the colder months. Taking the time to prepare your property for winter can help protect it from potential damage and ensure the safety and comfort of your tenants. Here are five essential tips to help you get your investment property ready for winter – from cleaning gutters to testing smoke alarms and maintaining chimneys, these steps will contribute to a smooth transition into the cold season.

  1. Clean and Inspect Gutters: One of the most critical tasks is cleaning and inspecting the gutters. Leaves, debris, and other blockages can accumulate during autumn, causing water to overflow and potentially damage your property. Clear out any debris from the gutters and downpipes to ensure proper water flow.
  2. Test Smoke Alarms: Maintaining functional smoke alarms is essential for the safety of your tenants. Test each alarm to ensure it is in proper working order and replace batteries if needed.
  3. Check Property Insulation: Good insulation is crucial for keeping your investment property warm and energy-efficient during the winter. Ensure all of the windows close properly, and look for any gaps, cracks, or damage that may allow cold air to seep in or warm air to escape. Properly insulating your property can help lower heating costs and provide a comfortable environment for your tenants.
  4. Shut Down Evaporative Air Conditioners: If your investment property has evaporative air conditioners, it’s essential to shut them down properly for the winter. Drain the water from the cooling pads & pipes, and disconnect the water supply to prevent freezing and potential damage. Clean the filters and cover the unit to protect it from debris and harsh weather conditions. Following the manufacturer’s instructions is essential to ensure a proper shutdown and protect your investment.
  5. Maintain Chimneys and Fireplaces: Chimneys and fireplaces require regular maintenance to ensure they function safely and efficiently. Hire a professional to inspect and clean the chimney, removing any creosote buildup that could pose a fire hazard. Check for any cracks or damage that may affect the integrity of the chimney.

Winterizing your investment property is a vital step in protecting your investment and ensuring the safety and comfort of your tenants. By following these essential tips you can minimize potential risks and issues during the cold season. Taking the time to prepare your property now will pay off in the long run, creating a positive experience for both you and your tenants. Stay warm and enjoy a hassle-free winter!